Today is the first day, my son began to speak to me like a Big Boy! He said things like, Mom stopping worrying about me. WOW! Out of the mouths of babes! He constantly challenges me, to focus my fears on something else other than him. My husband's job recently drop spouse and so I had to pickup myself and our children. But we only have about $1000 free to spend, then we must spend $1000 out of pocket, before the insurances kicks in. So I'm in a panic and constantly having these panic attacks worried is everything going good in his little brain.
But then again, at least now he can describe all the little detail regarding his headaches or increased heart rates. It's pretty remarkable how GOD timing can be so perfect. I prayed for the day, he can explain and express to me, his pains or discomfort and now he can.
On a sad note, someone at his school has the SWINE flu and right now I just don't need this in my life, things are finally settling down for me and my husband. We actually sleep at night and don't worry about his heart stopping at night! We have stop using all heart monitors and using GOD has the only Heart Monitor that we truly need. It's funny how much faith I can write about and say to other, but when can I really believe it at all times.
Enjoy Your Day!
P.S. I'm not a good speller, so bare with me in my desperate attempt to be an author!
You touched my heart, thank you for sharing your stories.